我们也知道,您需要一个能够在全球范围内提供服务和支持的合作伙伴。同时,安费诺连接器也通过UL/CSA, VDE等国际标准认证。
储能市场上的大多数电池组由多个锂离子电池组成,其中多个锂离子电池与单个模块包装在一起,其中几个连接在电池中。电池内的模块以这样一种方式排列,以最大限度地提高能量输出,同时节省空间。高效的能量存储依赖于电池管理系统(Battery Management System, BMS)向控制器提供实时数据。能量储存
随着全球大力推动减少对外国石油和化石燃料的依赖,电动和混合动力传动系统越来越受欢迎。此外,重型设备OEM厂商也意识到了降低对燃料依赖的好处。更传统的汽车燃料模式正在向替代和可再生燃料解决方案过渡。Connectors to fit your industry requirements by design
Eaxtron – UL1977 DIN Connector
Material Handling, Forklift, Charging Connector, DIN, Power
Tubing, Irradiated or Cross-Linked Materials
Circular, Composite, Threaded Coupling, Harsh Environments, Multi-Pin Signal Connector.
PT Series
Cylindrical, Metal, Bayonet Coupling, Harsh Environment, Power & Signal Connector
GT Reverse Bayonet
Product Description: Composite, Reverse Bayonet Coupling, Harsh Environment, Power RADSOK® Sockets
ACA-B Series
Cylindrical, Metal, Reverse Bayonet, Environmental & Rugged for Power and Signal Applications.
AC Threaded
Cylindrical, Multi-pin, Metal, Threaded Coupling, for use in Benign and Harsh Environments, Power Connector.
97 E Pre-Earth FMLB
Cylindrical, Multi-pin, Pre-Earth, First-Mate Last-Break, Threaded Coupling
LPT Series
Cylindrical, Metal, Complete Coupling in a Quarter Turn, Harsh Environment, Stamped & Formed Contacts, Power and Signal Connector
GTC Matrix Connectors
Circular, Aluminum, Multi-pin, Harsh Environments, Power and Signal Connector
GTC-E Series
Metal, Reverse Bayonet Coupling, Harsh Environment
GT Quadrax
Metal, Reverse Bayonet Coupling, Harsh Environment, Quadrax Contacts
Cord Grips
Variety of Bodies styles, NPT threaded entry, Harsh Environment, Machined components
Amphenol Circular Metal Bayonet Connectors: Compact and Cost-Effective
APC Series
Plastic, Triple-Start ACME Thread, Harsh Environment
Cylindrical, Plastic, Threaded Coupling, Multi-Phase, Power Connector
Amphe-OBTS Power Connector
Revolutionizing Base Stations
Cylindrical, Composite, Reverse Bayonet Coupling, Power RADSOK® Sockets for High Voltage and Amperage
Circular, Brass, Bayonet Coupling, Power Connector
Contact Terminal, Bristle, 14 to 70 Points of Contact, Signal, High Mating Cycles
Cylindrical, Metal, Threaded Coupling, Benign Environment, Power Connector
Connect with Our Team
Amphenol Industrial's product lines consist of rectangular, standard miniature, fiber optic, EMI/EMP filter, and a variety of special application connectors.
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